How Are You Feeling Today? Really?


by Rossella Forle’


How Are You Feeling Today, really?

The current global atmosphere may feel like the opening of an apocalyptic thriller, however despite ‘Contagion’, and ‘I am Legend’ trending on Netflix, there is one storyline Hollywood forgot to narrate. The unscripted little brother to any global health crisis; its impact on mental wellbeing.

Social life and routine are two of the most important pillars we have to support our mental health. With the latest measures to self-isolate, including many now working from home and increased social distancing, both of our pillars are changing significantly.

In the wake of a global pandemic, even those who don’t normally suffer from anxiety are feeling an escalating sense of worry.

Supporting mental health in the workplace — even if the workplace is now your kitchen table — and finding connections where we can during this time is essential.

It’s mental health awareness this week, so it’s time for us all to make a bit of extra effort to talk about mental health and think about how we’re looking after ourselves and each other.

So let’s try to apply these 10 simple rules that the Mental Health Foundation shares to look after ourselves here:

  1. Talk about your feelings — with friends or a professional

  2. Keep active — move your body

  3. Eat well — regular and balanced diet

  4. Drink (alcohol) sensibly

  5. Keep in touch — with people in person or remotely if necessary, simply chat

  6. Ask for help (my favourite phrase!)

  7. Take a break — a change of scene or pace, oh and plenty of sleep is important too

  8. Do something you are good at — dancing anyone?!

  9. Accept who you are

  10. Care for others

I am not an expert, but I feel so strongly that no-one should feel alone and low. I wanted to put out a hand to anyone who reads this that would like to talk. How are you feeling today?


Love & Kindness,
